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About Renishaw

world's leading engineering and scientific technology companies

Apply innovation

Renishaw is one of the world's leading engineering and scientific technology companies, with expertise in precision measurement and healthcare. The company supplies products and services used in applications as diverse as jet engine and wind turbine manufacture, through to dentistry and brain surgery. It is also a world leader in the field of additive manufacturing (also referred to as metal 3D printing), where it is the only UK business that designs and makes industrial machines which ‘print' parts from metal powder.

The Renishaw Group currently has more than 70 offices in 33 countries, with around 4,000 employees worldwide. Around 2,600 people are employed within the UK where the company carries out the majority of its research and development and its manufacturing.


A brief history

Renishaw was established in 1973 by David McMurtry (now Sir David McMurtry), Chairman and Chief Executive, and John Deer, Deputy Chairman. The company's first product, the touch-trigger probe, had been invented by Sir David to solve a specific inspection requirement for the Olympus engines used on the supersonic Concorde aircraft. This innovative product led to a revolution in three-dimensional co-ordinate measurement, enabling the accurate measurement of machined components and finished assemblies.
Throughout our history we have made a significant commitment to research and development with typically around 14% to 18% of annual sales invested in research and development and engineering. This has enabled the company to diversify into sensors for CNC machine tools which are used for automating machine setting operations and in-process part measurement, position encoders for accurate motion control, laser interferometry for machine performance evaluation, systems to produce dental crowns and bridges, Raman microscopes for spectral analysis of materials, gauging technology, additive manufacturing and rapid prototyping, laser measurement and surveying systems, medical devices for neurosurgical applications, and products to improve the diagnosis of human infectious diseases.
The majority of our research and development and manufacturing is carried out in the UK, primarily in the county of Gloucestershire, where our headquarters are based on the site of a former 19th-century mill used to manufacture woollen cloth. We also have assembly facilities located near to Dublin, Ireland and in Pune, India. In 2011 we acquired the former Bosch manufacturing facility at Miskin, near Cardiff, in South Wales; manufacturing commenced there in May 2012.

We have a strong global presence, with more than 70 offices in 33 countries, and some 95% of our sales are made outside the UK. Since our formation in 1973 we have won numerous awards, including eighteen Queen's Awards, recognising Technological Achievement, Export Achievement and Enterprise (Innovation).

Company mission


Our aim is to provide leading-edge technology by encouraging innovation to address our customers' needs.
Renishaw will design, manufacture and supply metrology systems of the highest quality and reliability to enable customers worldwide to carry out dimensional measurements to traceable standards.
Our product offerings will enhance quality and productivity, and we will strive for total customer satisfaction through superior customer service. Our aim is to provide leading-edge technology by encouraging innovation to address our customers' needs. We are committed to sustained growth through continued investment in product development and manufacturing methods.
Renishaw wishes to be recognised collectively and individually as leaders and contributors in our field and our community. We wish to achieve our aims in a way that is caring, open and honest. Renishaw is an environmentally conscious and responsible company. We will strive to ensure that all aspects of the business have the least harmful effect on the environment.


Precision measurement and process control

Our metrology products help manufacturers to maximise production output, to reduce significantly the time taken to produce and inspect components, and to keep their machines running reliably. In the fields of industrial automation and motion systems, our position measurement and calibration systems allow builders to manufacture highly accurate and reliable products.


Sapphire Sapphire Sapphire Sapphire Sapphire

Position and motion control

Renishaw offers a wide range of high speed, absolute and incremental, linear and rotary encoder systems to meet the diverse requirements of industrial automation.

Sapphire Sapphire Sapphire

3D laser scanning and measurement

In extreme environments, such as offshore and underground, our spatial measurement products help customers to obtain accurate data on a target object's distance, position and orientation.


Renishaw is applying its precision engineering technologies to the challenges of healthcare applications.

Sapphire Sapphire Sapphire Sapphire


Precision technology for use in scientific applications for analysis and research.

Sapphire Sapphire    

Additive manufacturing (metal 3D printing)

Additive manufacturing, also called metal 3D printing, is a process used to create three-dimensional parts from a digital file. It usually involves building up, or solidifying, thin layers of material to create complete parts. The technology is able to produce complex shapes which cannot be produced by 'traditional' techniques such as casting, forging and machining.

Sapphire Sapphire    


雷尼绍是世界测量和光谱分析仪器领域的领导者,致力于研究、雷尼绍(Renishaw)是一家跨国公司,主要提供测量、运动控制、光谱和精密加工等核心技术。雷尼绍(Renishaw)开发的创新产品显著提高了客户的经营业绩 — 从提高制造效率和产品质量、极大提高研发能力到改进医疗过程的功效。



雷尼绍(Renishaw)公司于1973年由现任董事会主席兼首席执行官David McMurtry(2001年获封爵士)和现任董事会副主席John Deer创立。雷尼绍(Renishaw)公司的第一个产品是David McMurtry爵士发明的触发式测头,目的是为了解决协和飞机上使用的Olympus发动机的特殊检测要求。这件创新产品给三维坐标测量领域带来了一场革命,实现了加工件与成品组件的精密测量。







用于坐标测量机 (CMM) 的创新型传感器涵盖了基本的触发式测头、手动测座、自动测针交换架、自动测头交换架、机动可重复定位测座和创新的五轴测量系统,均符合行业标准。此外,还提供各种测头专用测针。


雷尼绍的激光干涉仪和环境补偿系统具有±0.5 ppm的线性测量精度、达50 kHz的读数、4 m/s线性测量速度以及1 nm的线性分辨率,用于评估、监控并改进位置精度要求关键的运动系统(包括坐标测量机、数控机床、PCB钻孔机和机械手)的静态和动态性能。




现在,人们越来越关注医疗领域,雷尼绍为此提供了医疗设备、外科机器人及设计软件,用于立体定向精神外科的各个程序,包括脑深部电刺激 (DBS)、运动皮层刺激 (MCS)、立体定位脑电图 (SEEG)、神经内窥镜、放射外科、活组织检查及经颅磁刺激 (TMS)。



在拉曼光谱仪领域,雷尼绍公司与英国的利兹大学(Leeds University)合作,在世界上首先研制成功新型的激光共聚焦显微拉曼光谱和光谱成像仪,领先革新了拉曼光谱技术。因此,于1993年获得查尔斯王子科学发明奖, 1995年获得英国女皇技术奖和最佳科学仪器制造商奖。在此后的十几年中,雷尼绍公司在技术革新上始终保持着领先地位。


2003年,雷尼绍公司推出了配置更加灵活,使用更加简单,自动化程度更高的InVia系列拉曼光谱仪。用户可根据自己的需求选择不同的功能模块,及相应的自动化程度。inVia系列显微激光拉曼光谱仪的最高配置- inVia Reflex提供上述包括全自动化的所有功能;其它的inVia系统随时可以逐步升级至inVia Reflex。所有的inVia拉曼系统把具有极高的灵敏度作为标准,将配置灵活和高灵敏度集中于同一套拉曼谱仪上。



 product list 

品名 品牌 規格
三次元測針附件 RENISHAW  M-5000-6622,測針轉接頭
三次元測針附件 RENISHAW  A-5000-7754,測針加長桿
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5000-7800/PS29R
三次元測針附件 RENISHAW  M-5000-6622,測針轉接頭
三次元測針附件 RENISHAW  A-5000-7754,測針加長桿
三次元測針 RENISHAW  三次元測針;RENISHAW;A-5004-5370
三次元測針 RENISHAW  三次元測針;RENISHAW;A-5004-5370
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5000-7545
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5000-7800/PS29R
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5003-8532
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5003-8532
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5003-8532
測針轉接頭 RENISHAW  M-5000-6622
測針轉接頭 RENISHAW  M-5000-6622
測針轉接頭 RENISHAW  M-5000-6622
測針加長桿 RENISHAW  A-5000-7754
測針加長桿 RENISHAW  A-5000-7754
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5000-7800/PS29R
三次元測針附件 RENISHAW  M-5000-3648 M2 STY 700-190-112,20mm,加長桿
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5003-8532
測針轉接頭 RENISHAW  M-5000-6622
測針加長桿 RENISHAW  A-5000-7754
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5000-7800/PS29R
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5003-0037
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5003-0033
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5003-1345
三次元測針附件 RENISHAW  A-5000-8663
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5003-8532
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5000-7727,加長桿
測針轉接頭 RENISHAW  M-5000-6622
測針加長桿 RENISHAW  A-5000-7754
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5003-1208
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5003-1210
測針加長桿 Renishaw  M-5000-7584
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5000-7800/PS29R
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5000-7800/PS29R
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5003-2286
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5003-4784
測針加長桿 Renishaw  M-5000-7584
測針轉接頭 RENISHAW  M-5000-6622
工件測頭測針 RENISHAW  A-5003-8532
測針加長桿 RENISHAW  A-5000-7754
測針轉接頭 RENISHAW  M-5000-6622
工件測頭測針 RENISHAW  A-5003-8532
測針加長桿 RENISHAW  A-5000-7754
三次元測針附件 RENISHAW  M-5000-3648 M2 STY 700-190-112,20mm,加長桿
測針轉接頭 RENISHAW  M-5000-6622
工件測頭測針 RENISHAW  A-5003-8532
測針加長桿 RENISHAW  A-5000-7754
測針 RENISHAW  A-5000-7800
元測針 RENISHAW  A-5004-5370
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5000-7800/PS29R
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5000-7800/PS29R
測針加長桿 Renishaw  M-5000-7584
測針轉接頭 RENISHAW  M-5000-6622
工件測頭測針 RENISHAW  A-5003-8532
測針加長桿 RENISHAW  A-5000-7754
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5000-7800/PS29R
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5000-7800/PS29R
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5003-1208
三 次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5004-5370
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5004-5370
測針加長桿 Renishaw  M-5000-7584
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5004-5370
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5004-5370
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5004-5370
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5004-5370
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5004-5370
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5004-5370
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5004-5370
三 次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5004-5370
三次元測針附件 RENISHAW  A-5000-7755,加長桿
三次元測針附件 RENISHAW  M-5000-7582,碰撞保護裝置
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5000-7800/PS29R
三次元測針附件 RENISHAW  A-1076-0072,加長桿
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5003-1208
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5004-5370
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5000-7800/PS29R
測針加長桿 Renishaw  M-5000-7584
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5004-5370
測針加長桿 Renishaw  M-5000-7584
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5000-7800/PS29R
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5000-7800/PS29R
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5003-2281
測針加長桿 Renishaw  M-5000-7584
工件測頭測針 RENISHAW  A-5003-8532
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5003-0038,2.5by30
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5000-7800/PS29R
三次元測針 RENISHAW  A-5004-5370
測針加長桿 RENISHAW  A-5000-7754
測針. 雷尼紹  A-5003-1345
測針. 雷尼紹  A-5000-7805
三次元測針/ 雷尼紹  A-5003-1345
三次元測針 雷尼紹  A-5003-4794
三次元測針 雷尼紹  A-5000-7547
三次元測針 雷尼紹  A-5003-4794
三次元測針 雷尼紹/RENISHAW  1.5*30(M5)A-5003-5215
三次元測針 雷尼紹/RENISHAW  1.5*30(M5)A-5003-5215
三次元測針 雷尼紹/RENISHAW  1.5*30(M5)A-5003-5215
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/不锈钢测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 10mm,1.0(0.4), A-5000-7806
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/不锈钢测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 10mm,1.5(0.06),A-5000-7802
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/不锈钢测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 10mm,2.0(0.08),A-5000-7807
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/不锈钢测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 10mm,2.5(0.10),A-5000-7803
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/不锈钢测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 10mm,3.0(0.12),A-5000-3604
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/不锈钢测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 10mm,4.0(0.16),A-5000-4154
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/不锈钢测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 10mm,5.0(0.20),A-5000-4155
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/不锈钢测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 10mm,6.0(0.24),A-5000-4156
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/不锈钢测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 10mm,8.0(0.32),A-5000-4158
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/不锈钢测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 20mm,2.0(0.08),A-5000-3603
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/不锈钢测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 20mm,2.5(0.10),A-5000-7804
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/不锈钢测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 20mm,3.0(0.12),A-5000-4160
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/不锈钢测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 20mm,4.0(0.16),A-5000-4161
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/碳化钨测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 10mm,0.3(0.012),A-5000-7800
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/碳化钨测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 10mm,0.5(0.02),A-5000-7805
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/碳化钨测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 10mm,0.7(0.028),A-5000-7801
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/碳化钨测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 10mm,1.0(0.04),A-5003-1325
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/碳化钨测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 20mm,0.5(0.020),A-5003-1345
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/碳化钨测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 20mm,0.7(0.028),A-5003-0577
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/碳化钨测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 20mm,1.0(0.04),A-5000-7808
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/碳化钨测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 20mm,1.5(0.06),A-5003-0034
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/碳化钨测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 20mm,2.0(0.08),A-5003-3822
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/碳化钨测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 20mm,2.5(0.10),A-5003-1896
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/碳化钨测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 20mm,3.0(0.12),A-5003-0938
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/碳化钨测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 20mm,4.0(0.16),A-5003-1029
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/碳化钨测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 20mm,5.0(0.20),A-5003-0046
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/碳化钨测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 30mm,1.0(0.04),A-5000-8663
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/碳化钨测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 30mm,1.5(0.06),A-5003-0035
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/碳化钨测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 30mm,2.0(0.08),A-5003-0036
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/碳化钨测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 30mm,2.5(0.10),A-5003-0038
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/碳化钨测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 30mm,3.0(0.12),A-5003-0040
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/碳化钨测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 30mm,4.0(0.16),A-5003-0043
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/碳化钨测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 30mm,5.0(0.20).A-5003-0047
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/陶瓷测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 30mm,3.0(0.12),A-5003-4177
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/陶瓷测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 30mm,4.0(0.16),A-5003-1370
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/陶瓷测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 30mm,5.0(0.20),A-5003-4779
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/陶瓷测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 30mm,6.0(0.24),A-5003-4780
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/碳纤维测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 30mm,4.0(0.16),A-5003-4241
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/碳纤维测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 30mm,5.0(0.20),A-5003-4781
M2螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/碳纤维测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 30mm,6.0(0.24),A-5003-4782
M4螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/不锈钢测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 20mm,1.0(0.04),A-5000-7545
M4螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/不锈钢测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 20mm,2.0(0.08),A-5000-7547
M4螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/不锈钢测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 20mm,3.0(0.12),A-5000-7549
M4螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/陶瓷测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 50mm,6.0(0.24),A-5000-3709
M4螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/陶瓷测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 100mm,6.0(0.24),A-5000-3712
M4螺纹测针/红宝石球测针/陶瓷测杆 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 100mm,8.0(0.32),A-5000-7796
M4螺纹测针/测针加长杆/不锈钢 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 10.0(0.40),M-5000-7583
M4螺纹测针/测针加长杆/不锈钢 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 15.0(0.60),M-5000-7584
M4螺纹测针/测针加长杆/不锈钢 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 20.0(0.79),M-5000-7585
M4螺纹测针/测针加长杆/不锈钢 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 30.0(1.19),M-5000-7586
M4螺纹测针/测针加长杆/陶瓷 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 30.0(1.19),A-5000-7754
M4螺纹测针/测针加长杆/陶瓷 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 50.0(1.97),A-5000-7755
M4螺纹测针/测针加长杆/陶瓷 雷尼紹/RENISHAW 100.0(3.94),A-5000-7727

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